Mark Walks LEJOG Day 15 – Burnham-on-Sea to Yatton

Hullo. How are you? I hope you are having a good day. I’m Mark and I’m walking from Land’s End to John O’Groats…

A short walk through Burnham returned me to the promenade and onto the beach, which formed the route for the first leg of today’s walk. I love walking along the beach, although I would typically be walking barefoot, wearing shorts and not carrying a backpack with everything I need for three months. Nonetheless, it was a fantastic way to start the day.

Over the years, Burnham has been the site of many shipwrecks, making multiple lighthouses necessary. There was once a light housed the church and then the unique one on the beach replaced it.

The beach was busy with walkers and their dogs. I spoke with several people along the way and heard from a couple, who were walking in the opposite direction to me, that they had been speaking to a woman just half a mile previous who was also walking LEJOG. I wonder if we’ll bump into each other at some point.

At Brean, I started to head inland a little to cross the river Axe. This crossing marked the point where I bagged a third county on the walk as I left Somerset.

When I was a child, we had to learn by heart the counties of the UK. I was, therefore, expecting to cross the Axe and enter Avon. But not so. I have not kept up to date with the local politics of the South West of England, so it had passed me by that the county of Avon was abolished in 1996 and I was now entering the unimaginative new local authority of North Somerset. This felt like a damp squib and as though I wasn’t really getting another county under my belt. Particularly one so small – I will leave North Somerset tomorrow.

Making my way along the Axe back to the coast, I walked along the beach again towards Weston-super-Mare, which was surprisingly busy for a week day mid-morning in late winter.

I explored the town a little. The seafront is pleasant and the locals I met were all friendly and interested in why I was visiting their town.

It was then a case of walking the full length of the town to cross the motorway and return to the countryside. Walking away from the coast, it occurred to me that it will be hundreds of miles until I possibly return to the sea as I will be walking inland now until at least Lancashire.

The easy, level walk from the edge of Weston to Yatton made for a relaxing afternoon and end to a 19 mile walk.

The Day 15 Vlog

Fundraising for MacMillan Cancer Support

As I walk from Land’s End to John O’Groats, I am hoping to raise £10,000 for MacMillan Cancer Support, who do such a wonderful job of supporting families through the most difficult times. If you are able to spare any amount and would like to donate to MacMillan, please do so through my Just Giving Page.





4 responses to “Mark Walks LEJOG Day 15 – Burnham-on-Sea to Yatton”

  1. Dee Atkins-Greig avatar
    Dee Atkins-Greig

    Glad you had such a wonderful walk near the sea as you leave the coast behind (roll on, Lancashire!).

    Getting much joy from your cloudscapes☺️.

    1. Mark avatar

      It was a proper day at the seaside. I even got sunburnt 😆

  2. John Sanderson avatar
    John Sanderson

    Hi Mark, really enjoying the daily videos, you seem to have quickly established an identity all of your own for them. Very peaceful and relaxed.

    I backpacked Land End to John O’Groats alone way back in 1985 at the tender age of 18, and I often think of doing it again to see how much has changed over those years. Luckily I managed to keep backpacking long distances over the following 40 years and currently making my way loosely around the perimeter of the UK in stages over several years.

    I’ll be interested to see where you head from the Bristol area, into Wales or up through the midlands. Either way it will be a wonderful adventure, no less so than it would have been for that younger self.

    1. Mark avatar

      Thank you, John. I’m having a great time so far.

      Will be heading up through the West Midlands. I’ve walked Offa’s Dyke a couple of times, so thought I’d try something different.

      Perimeter of UK sounds like an excellent challenge. Hope it’s going well!

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