Hullo. How are you? I hope you are having a good day. I’m Mark and I’m walking from Land’s End to John O’Groats…
In absolutely perfect weather, I started out along the A99 road alongside the coast for a short while to a track that would take me to the cliff edge once more.

One of many abandoned buildings along this coast sat at the bottom of a bay. These buildings are a frequent reminder of the once significant herring industry.

I then passed the charming little lighthouse Clythness. I don’t know what it is about lighthouses, but I always love them. I think this is a universal reaction – there’s something not quite right in your soul if a lighthouse doesn’t stir you.

I then returned to the road for a while, which was not at all busy and did not live up to the terrible reputation it has with LEJOG walkers. In fact, it was really rather pleasant and made for some easy walking whilst I absorbed yet another audio book. all along the road, the views out to sea were fabulous and the large cemetery standing alone in a field on the edge of the cliffs struck me as a pretty good place to spend eternity.

At Thrumster, I followed a lane back to the coast for the final ten miles along the cliffs. This is a particularly impressive stretch of coastline, with some of the most commanding cliffs and rock formations of the walk.

The walking was easy and relaxing, save for the occasional moment when the path comes within inches of a sheer drop – which was exciting!

Wick was soon in view and the castle made a good way-marker.

From the castle, a good path drops down the gentle hill towards the town and passes the intriguing Trinkie.

It was then an easy walk to Wick harbour, with its busy industrial units, popular marina, and coastguard launching unit reminding all of the reality of life at sea.

And so, only two days remain of my little walk from Land’s End to John O’Groats before I return to Wick to catch a flight.
The Day 68 Vlog
Fundraising for MacMillan Cancer Support
As I walk from Land’s End to John O’Groats, I am hoping to raise £10,000 for MacMillan Cancer Support, who do such a wonderful job of supporting families through the most difficult times. If you are able to spare any amount and would like to donate to MacMillan, please do so through my Just Giving Page.
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